Darkcast Network Cruel Summer Part One
Speaker 1 0:01
Dark cast network in the pods with a dark side. Hello, I'm Jackie Meranti. I host cause of death 100 seconds to midnight. And I'll be your guide for this special dark cast network event as we embark on our Cruel Summer, part one. Summertime. Usually it's about vacations like going to the beach cooling down in the swimming pool, and lots and lots of ice cream. These are much different scenarios than what we see a few months later in autumn. The fall months bring us an array of leaf colors, pumpkin spice, everything, and spooky season. For all of us here at dark cast network spooky season is a year round event, which is why we would like to present to you a Cruel Summer, true crime and paranormal stories that occurred during summertime.
Speaker 2 1:02
My name is Brenda and I'm the host of horrifying history where dark history and the paranormal collide. And today, I will tell you all the story of the ghost of the headless Mary Gallagher. Now griffintown is a historic neighborhood in Montreal, Quebec and Canada. It was first populated in the early 19th century by mostly Irish immigrant workers who were building some of the most famous places in Montreal today, like the Port of Montreal and the machine canal. In the 1960s. This neighborhood started to depopulate and since the 2010s. It has been seeing new life as it has been redeveloped. Located near the Lysene canal. This neighborhood was like any other 19 century industrial slum. It was filled with stables, taverns, mills and warehouses. drifters' laborers and their families all call this place home. But on June 27 1879, this neighborhood gained a gruesome reputation that lives on today, even though everyone who was involved is now long gone. On that day, two young sex workers and best friends named Mary Gallagher and Susie Kennedy met a new client. His name was Michael Flanagan, and the trio decided to go back to Susie's second floor apartment to do some early morning drinking and partying. Now everything started out okay. And it stayed that way for a couple hours. But then the other tenants from the apartment below, Susie's heard a very loud thud. And then came what sounded like hitting noises that were so forceful that it cracked the plaster ceiling of the unit below. As dusty bits and chunks of plaster fell onto the tenants below Susie. They heard a female voice say and I quote, I've wanted revenge for a long time and I finally got it. This is when the tenant saw a crimson stain start to spread out on their ceiling, and soon blood started tripping from the plaster cracks. The tenants immediately went to the police and when they arrived at the apartment building, a crowd of onlookers were already swarming. When the police entered Susie's apartment, they found Mary's dead body lying facedown on the floor wearing a very thin night gown. But she wasn't actually faced down since he didn't have a face. Her head and one separate hand lay in a bucket nearby. The police found Suzy standing right by the body and she was drenched in blood. But according to Suzy she didn't do anything wrong. She claimed she didn't hurt Mary. She just simply slipped and fell in the horrific mess that covered her home. The police found Susie standing right by the body and she was drenched in blood. But according to Susie, she didn't do anything wrong. She claimed that she didn't hurt Mary. She just simply slipped and fell in the horrific mess that now covered her home. Susie told police that while she and Michael slept in the front room, and unknown men who looked like a sea captain walked into her home and had an argument with Mary. He called her names and Susie told the police that he must have killed her since she watched him washing blood off of his hands before he left. So just to sum up here, Susie and Michael were sleeping while Mary was not. Even though Susie and Michael were sleeping, they saw this random sea captain just walk into Susie's home. Then somehow there was a massive gap of time where the murder occurred, and the victim had their head and their hand cut off. And then this mysterious sea captain just walked away after washing his hands. So as you guys can imagine, no one believed this story. There also was the fact that the murder weapon which was a hatchet that belonged to Suzy was left right near the body and it was covered in Mary's blood and hair. The police immediately arrested both Susie and Michael Susie was charged with murder and was later sentenced to die by the Hanged man's news. But Michael on the other and was released. Suzie didn't die for her crimes though. Her sentence was commuted and she was sent to the Kingston Penitentiary for 16 years. Now, in a bizarre coincidence, on the day that Suzy was opposed to hang, Michael died, he lost his footing while aboard a boat, he fell through the ice and he drowned. Now, the thing is that Mary did not receive the justice that she deserved the building where she died in use to sit on the corner of William and Mary streets. In today's time, the old factories and apartments are long gone, and have been replaced with film studios and trendy condos. In the years since Mary's death. There have been countless reports of people seeing the ghost of Mary, who was said to be looking for her head. These sightings occur every seven years on the anniversary of her death. On this date, many people go down to the corner of William and Mary streets to hopefully catch a glimpse of Mary. And if you want to see her for yourself, it is said that your next chance would be on June 27 2025. You can hear stories like this and so much more on our show horrifying history, which you can find on any podcast provider. You also can follow us on Facebook at horrifying history on Instagram at horrifying underscore history. And on Twitter at horrifying h i s t one. Hey everybody.
Speaker 3 6:25
My name is Josh. And I'm Jamie. And we are from the paranormal peeps podcast. And we have a great story for you guys lined up tonight. And it's going to be a Japanese ghost story.
Speaker 4 6:37
Yeah, so their big spooky season for us in the States. It's in October for Japan. It's actually in the summer. Yeah. Which seems a little strange. Well for us because we weren't brought up in that culture. But I find it fascinating nonetheless. I like seeing how other cultures differ from ours.
Speaker 3 6:54
Yeah. And so what is the one belief that they have about the summertime ghost season? Essentially? I don't know. They believe that their ancestors come back and they'll leave fires inviting fires for them to come and hang out with their families.
Speaker 4 7:11
Is it like fires for them to find their way to the to their still living relatives? And yeah, in those cases where but yeah, okay. Yeah.
Speaker 3 7:20
And it's, you know, and the, the interesting thing is, the Japanese culture is so much more ancient than anything we have in the US. Oh, yeah. By leaps and bounds, and they call it the season of bond. And there are good spirits. Most of the spirits are actually you know, ancestral happy spirits. Yeah. But then you have the yokai which are evil spirits,
Unknown Speaker 7:41
and what are we going to hear about today?
Speaker 3 7:44
I would say let's figure that out at the end of this wonderful story.
Unknown Speaker 7:50
Okay, let's get to it. So,
Speaker 3 7:52
the name of the store is Inga. Bonacci is it Bonacci it looks like Banshee. To me. It looks like Banshee but I don't think it's spelt the same way. So what does a banshee that's fine too. It actually essentially translates into the tail of ingwe Ah, okay, so maybe it's Banshee mean it's kind of have Banshee like characteristics. So okay, well, let's
Unknown Speaker 8:13
get straight to it. Then.
Speaker 3 8:14
The Dominos wife was dying, and knew that she was dying. She had not been able to leave her bed since the early autumn of the 10th bonsai and it was now the fourth month of the 12th bonsai the year 1829 by Western counting, and the cherry trees are blossoming. She thought of the cherry trees in her garden and of the gladness of spring. She thought of her children. She thought of her husband's various concubines, especially the lady you, Yukiko 19 years old, my dear wife, said the daimyo you have suffered very much for the three long years we have done all that we could, could to get you well, watching beside you night and day praying for you, and often fasting for your sake. But in spite of our loving care, and in spite of the skill of our best physicians, it wouldn't now seems the end of your life is not far off probably we shall sorrow more than you will sorrow because of your having to leave what the Buddha so truly termed this burning house of the world, I shall order to be performed, no matter what the cost, every religious right that can serve you in the regard to your next rebirth and all of us will pray without ceasing for you that you may not have to wander in the black space, but may quickly enter paradise and attain to Buddhahood he spoke with the uttermost tenderness, caressing her the while then with eyelids close, she answered him in a voice, then as a voice of an insect, I am grateful, most grateful for your kind words. Yes, it is true, as you say that I have been sick for three long years, and then I have been treated with all possible care and affection. Why indeed, Shall I turn away from the one true path at the very moment of my death? Perhaps the Think of worldly matters at such a time is not right, but I have one last request to make only one call here to me the lady Yukiko and you know that I love her like a sister. I want to speak to her About the affairs of this household, Yukiko came at the summons of the Lord and in obedience to the sign from him knelt down beside the couch. The Domino's wife opened her eyes and looked and Yukiko and spoke here is Yukiko I am so pleased to see you Yukiko, come a little closer so that you can hear me well, I am not able to speak loud Yukiko I am going to die. And I hope that you will be faithful in all things to our Dear Lord, for I want you to take my place when I am gone. I hope that you will always be loved by Him. Yes, even 100 times more than I have been and that you will very soon be promoted to a higher rank become his honored wife and I beg of you always to cherish our Dear Lord, never allow another woman to rob you of his affection. This is what I want to say to you during your Kiko Have you been able to understand Oh, my dear lady protested Yukiko, do not I entreat you say such strange things to me? You will know that I am a poor and mean condition How could I ever dare to aspire to become the wife of Our Lord Nene returning the wife huskily This is not a time for words of ceremony. Let us speak only in the truth to each other after death, you will certainly be promoted to a higher place and I now assure you again that I wish you to become the wife of our Lord. Yes, I wish this Yukiko even more than I wish to become a Buddha. And I have almost forgotten I want you to do something for me Yukiko, I know that in the garden there is a zakura which is brought here the year before last from Mount Yoshino in Yamato. I have been told that this is now full bloom. I want to see it in flower in a little while I shall be dead. I must see the tree before I die now. I wish you to carry me into the garden at once Yukiko so that I can see it. Yes. Upon your back Yukiko, take me upon your back well, thus asking her voice was gradually becoming clearer and strong as if the intensity of the wish had given her new force. Then she suddenly burst into tears Yukiko now motionless not knowing what to do, but the Lord not an ascent it is her last wish in this world, he said, You always love cherry flowers, and I know that she wanted very much to see that your model tree in blossom Come, my dear Yukiko, let her have her will. As a nurse turns her back to a child. The child may cling to it, Yukiko offered her shoulders to the wife and said, Lady I am ready please tell me how I can best help you. Why this way, respond to the dying woman lifting yourself with an almost superhuman effort by clinging to Kiko shoulders but as she stood erect, she quickly slipped her thin hands down over her shoulders under the robe and clutch the breasts of the girl in burst into a wicked laugh. I have my wish, she cried, I have my wish for the cherry blossom, but not the cherry blossom of the garden. I could not die before I got my wish. And now I have it and oh, what a delight. And with these words, she fell upon the Crouching girl, and died. The attendants at once attempted to lift the body from Yukiko shoulders until laying it upon the bed. But strange to say this seemingly easy thing cannot be done. The cold hands had attached themselves and some unaccountable way to the breasts of the girl appearing to have grown into the quick flesh Yukiko became senseless with fear and pain. Physicians were called they could not understand what had taken place. By no ordinary methods could the hands of the dead woman be unfastened from the body of her victim they so clung that any effort to remove them brought blood this was not because the fingers held, it was because the flesh of the palms had united itself in some inexplicable manner to the flesh of the breasts. At that time, the most skillful physician in Tokyo was a foreigner, a Dutch surgeon, it was decided to summon him. After a careful examination, he said it could not be could not understand the case. And then at the mediate relief of Yukiko there was nothing to be done except cut the hands from the corpse, he decided that it would be dangerous to attempt to detach them from the breasts. His advice was accepted and the hands were amputated at the wrists, but they remained clinging to the breast and their soon darkened and dried up like the hands of a person long dead. Yet this was only the beginning of the horror, withered and bloodless though they seemed, those hands were not dead. At intervals, they would stir stealthily like great gray spiders and nightly thereafter, beginning always at the hour of the ox, they would clutch and compress and torture only at the hour of the tiger the pain would succeed would cease, Yukiko cut off her hair and became a mended neck mendicant nun, taking the religious name a dataset Sue and she had a mortuary tablet made burying the cameo of her dead mistress and this she carried about with her and all her wanderings and everyday before it she humbled besought the dead for pardon ever former Buddhist service in in order that the jealous spirit might find rest but the evil karma that had been rendered such an affliction possible cannot soon be exhausted every night at the hour of the ox. The hands never failed to torture her during more than 17 years, according to the testimony of those persons to whom she had last told her story where she had stopped for one evening at the house of now Gucci tangos, Danielle mom and the village of of Tanaka and the day Certain of Komachi in the providence of shemale Sookie, this is the third year of coke y which is 1846. Therefore nothing more was ever heard of her.
Speaker 4 15:09
So basically this this dying woman this day and wife was jealous. And before she died in her trickery she told her husband, you know, she's like a sister to me. Yeah, you know, I love her like a sister. Bring her here to me. Yeah. And then deceptive, misleading and jealous and spiteful.
Speaker 3 15:29
Yes. Yeah. And so she would definitely be a yokai Yes, evil spirit.
Speaker 4 15:35
Well, yeah. I mean, you you leave the world and that is your last act. dying wish and act. Yeah. She had to, you know, attach herself obviously. So yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 15:47
It's a kind of a terrifying story.
Speaker 4 15:49
I mean, yeah. I mean, we're so used here, especially here in the States. We're so used to these, you know, scary movies and haunting tales, and they're much more graphic there. You know, but, and I've said this before, on a handful of occasions, if something like this happened to you in real life, would you not be terrified?
Speaker 3 16:11
It would be absolutely horrifying. I mean, imagine a dead person's hands sees to your chest.
Unknown Speaker 16:18
Like they melted with your, into your skin.
Speaker 3 16:20
Yeah, they bind it with you. Yeah. And then every night from two to four, which is the hour of the ox, they twitch and torture you. Yeah. For 17 years.
Unknown Speaker 16:32
Yeah. How do you not go insane?
Unknown Speaker 16:33
That's a very good question.
Unknown Speaker 16:35
I think I would cut off my breasts.
Speaker 3 16:37
Yeah, yeah, but what if that didn't work? Well, that's even that's even more terrifying.
Unknown Speaker 16:41
That's a terrifying thought as well.
Speaker 3 16:43
So yeah, everybody check us out on the paranormal peeps podcast. We are part of the dark cast network. And as always, stay ghosting my peeps.
Speaker 5 16:51
Hey there. This is CJ host of beyond the rainbow true crimes of the LGBTQ plus, regardless of your gender or sexual identity beyond the rainbow was made for listeners from just about all walks of life, as well. I'm the founder of dark cast network. And I feel so honored to be working with the fantastic shows of our network. The case I have for you this Cruel Summer takes us back a bit to the Bill Clinton administration. While many may believe in serving a cigar into Monica Lewinsky's, who are might have been the dumbest thing Clinton did in office, I'd have to disagree. I personally believe the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell is what took the cake. While the law was enacted in 1993, to protect gay and bisexual military personnel, it did nothing more than disallow them to live their truth, and it put a bigger target on their backs. The law basically stated If you're gay or bi, in a member of the military, you're banned from telling anyone. At the time 1000s of LGBTQ people served to defend the United States and our freedoms. They gave their lives to protect their fellow soldiers and American citizens. But it wasn't easy. On top of their assigned duties they had to grapple every day with Don't Ask, Don't Tell. And that required them to hide their truths, their identities, their core parts of themselves. Every single day. They felt the weight of that. Don't Ask Don't Tell turned into a punishment for patriotic LGBTQ Americans. And all they wanted to do was serve their country and fight for freedoms Americans are supposed to have more than 13,000 qualified service members were discharged under that policy. Some even lost their lives due to it because they were frightened to report harassment, like Private First Class Barry Winchell, who I covered in season nine episode 15 When Barry met Callie and the young man whose case I'm presenting for you today. In 2010, President Obama revoked the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy Much to the delight of the LGBTQ community. This particular case I'm going to tell you about was a 29 year old gay military man in the summer of 2009. Just before the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy ended. August Provost was a handsome black Navy sailor from Houston, Texas. In 2009. He was assigned to the Camp Pendleton Naval Base near San Diego, California. August had a secret he was supposed to be keeping. Otherwise he could be discharged from the Navy or worse Before the military Auguste was a proud and open gay man, and he presented masculine as a naval sailor and if he held the mind, I'd like to avoid calling him a seaman. There's just too many sexual connotations associated with that word. As a naval sailor Aside from his family, only a select few he really trusted knew about his sexual identity. Friends and family described August as a harmonious man non judgmental, fully accepting of just about everyone no matter their sexual or gender identities or ethnicities. August was also very loving, and he had a beautiful, contagious smile. The beginning of June 2009. However, he was being bullied at his naval base. August complained to the members of his family that he was being harassed by a fellow sailor that knew he was gay. His sister told him to report the other sailor to his commanding officer, but with the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy in place. Agus was reluctant to do so. Instead, August, who is non confrontational most of the time, he just sat on the harassment and let it happen. The night of Tuesday, June 30 2009, agus had taken his post in the guard tower at Camp Pendleton. At some point, his killer had also gained entry to the tower and confronted August than his killer shot multiple times leaving August to die it is century pose. The killer left the tower and he tried to set it ablaze to hide the evidence of the murder. August's body was found the following day on Wednesday, July 1 2009. While many of August's family and friends felt August was the target of a hate crime for being gay, his commanding officer and other military personnel didn't believe this was the case. They seemed to think it was coincidental in since he was murdered while on sentry duty in the tower, had any other soldier also been assigned to that detail that night, they too would have been murdered in the same manner. But a military investigation into August murder ensued. And the next day another sailor was arrested and placed into the Navy's custody in the brig of Camp Pendleton. There was strong evidence against 32 year old Petty Officer Jonathan campus. The Navy felt Jonathan had been pulled over for driving under the influence charge Earlier in June. They felt like he was retaliating for any punishment he received for the DUI. They also believe that he planned to set fire to the watch tower regardless who was in it. And when he came across Dogus he stole his gun and fatally shot them. However, many others surmise, Jonathan was hiding insecurities about his own sexual identity. And then he killed August to keep everyone from finding out he too was gay or bisexual. Simply put, Jonathan thought August was going to out him. But there's no concrete evidence for either theory. Friday, July 31 2009. Military Police checked on Jonathan in his holding cell around 12:20pm. He was checked on less than an hour before this, and everything seemed fine. During this 1220 check, Jonathan was unresponsive and he was rushed to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. Jonathan had taken his own life via self affixation he had stuffed into his mouth and ingested an incredible amount of toilet paper, and this caused them to suffocate. The completion of suicide left many to believe Jonathan had killed August in order to keep his secrets about his own sexual identity. It's unknown whether Jonathan and August had something sexual going on with one another. August did have a boyfriend back home in Texas at the time of his murder. And because Jonathan took his own life, August family felt that Jonathan took away any closure and answers as to why their beloved August was killed. Rest in power August. Remember, it's not a crime to be gay. Unless you're a murderer. In Dark caste network, you rock guess what
Unknown Speaker 24:43
chicken bought
Unknown Speaker 24:44
some a time living, sleazy,
Unknown Speaker 24:48
sweating your balls off?
Speaker 6 24:50
Absolutely. Seriously what summer means when you hit a certain age, it is time to chuck your children into the arms of whoever will take them so that Don't drive you insane. Anybody wants this kid? Yep. Because it's gonna be home for like three months. Did you ever do a Summer Camp Bow? No, I did it once a place called Camp to Loli holler to Central New York, but that's where I got my like profound fear of the outdoors. It was just a mild fear at first, but sleepaway camp is where the profound fear really started.
Speaker 7 25:23
I was a homebody, I would have got homesick, I would have cried my mom would have had to come and get me
Speaker 6 25:28
today we are going to give you a small taste of the notorious crime that happened in 1977. A gruesome and tragic mystery that to this day remains unsolved. Founded in the early 20th century. The Girl Scouts, if you don't know, is an organization dedicated to the empowerment of young girls. It instills this confidence and courage. You know, they bond over activities like community service camping, they get their badges, they sell their cookies, right? I don't want to go peddle your cookies. I was into that because I was a fat kid. And I was like, Yeah, I want to get some badges for selling cookies to myself. So it's fairly innocuous promise of a good time, and it shouldn't be dangerous, right? It shouldn't be. June 13 1977 marked one of the most terrible and shocking crimes in Oklahoma history, which kicked off an investigation that would continue for decades, and now abandoned camp Scott is in a densely wooded location on 410 acres and Mayes county Oklahoma. Camp Scott, a cornerstone of Oklahoma Girl Scouting had been operated by generations of Girl Scouts going as far back as 1928. Many parents of the campers had experienced this two week getaway themselves and look forward to sharing the experience with their littles get out by go swim in and shed see
Speaker 7 26:47
her do some to make some brands earlier that day. 10 year
Speaker 6 26:51
old Doris Denise Milner expressed hesitation about the trip to her mom, but was convinced to board the bus on the promise that her parents would pick her up if she felt like coming home once she got there, like hey, you know, try it out. See what happens. We'll come and get you might be more fun than you think months leading up to this particular trip. There was some very odd activity happening around the camp, a counselor found that one of the tents had been slashed open. Others in the campground reported some of their items were missing. Some heard strange noises off in the distance. And one counselor even found that a donut had been stolen from a box of a dozen and in its place was a handwritten note. Which first of all, you do not replace a donut with a note.
Speaker 7 27:34
That is a dirty note and my dad's you know,
Speaker 6 27:38
depending on where that donut is two to four donuts are inedible.
Unknown Speaker 27:43
Yeah, cuz they've touched your grimy note.
Speaker 6 27:45
Yeah, like keep your folded up greasy threat paper away from the doughnuts,
Unknown Speaker 27:52
doughnuts and threats no go together. Anyway,
Unknown Speaker 27:54
this glazed threat said
Unknown Speaker 27:57
we are on a mission to kill three girls and 10 one.
Speaker 6 28:01
All of these incidents, all of this shit, including Matt, including the note and the doughnuts. Yeah, it was all dismissed as a prank. I don't like it. On the first night of camp, a thunderstorm rolled in, and the girls and their counselors all hunkered down in their tents to go to sleep. In order to keep a close eye on the scouts. The counselors had the tents fanned out around their own sleeping quarters. Miller was in the Fire This Time, accompanied by eight year old Laurie Lee farmer and nine year old Michelle Heather goose Laurie farmer, a bright little girl who was said to be mature beyond her years and the youngest girl scout at camp that week was excited to write home to her family in Tulsa. She told her loved ones about her to new friends and her roommates. No stranger to camp Scott having attended the camp the year prior. Michelle goos was a shy athletic girl with a love for plants. In fact, before leaving her home in Broken Arrow, her mother Georgia and told the newspaper that Michelle insisted she take care of her plants while she was away at Camp African Violets were one of her favorites. Having sold enough Girl Scout cookies to be able to attend camp with her friends. Denise Milner had been excited about going to camp she was a straight A student and had already been admitted to a Tulsa school that was created for exceptionally bright students. However, at the last minute her friends backed out and Denise reluctantly went alone to camp. She was not keen on the idea of leaving her mom and her five year old sister on the bus Denise cried after the trio finished their letters the girls gathered for storytime before heading to bed during storytime. Denise was again upset and asked to call her mom one of the quinoa counselors a young woman named D elder comforted Denise after some convincing Denise agreed she would wait and call her mom the next day. Meanwhile, as the girls were winding down for the evening, and the first day of camp was coming to a close a counselor in the Comanche unit stared out into the dark night through the dense trees movement caught her eye a dim light was moving through the woods toward the key away unit.
Speaker 7 29:59
Anybody want looking through that camp unless you had a good flashlight, it'd be pretty much pitch black
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