Darkcast Network Cruel Summer Part Two
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Dark cast network in the pods with a dark side.
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Hello, I'm Jackie Meranti, host of cause of death 100 seconds to midnight. And I'm your guide for this second part of the dark cast networks Cruel Summer.
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Did you know that in the summer months statistically crime rises. And while the paranormal doesn't seem to be affected by summer, there is proof that lunar cycles and the changing of seasons does increase activity.
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Keeping this in mind, sit back and try to relax as we present part two of our Cruel Summer Tour.
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Hello, everyone, my name is Raven and I'm the host of rogue darkness. The podcast that uncovers how the misinterpretations and misinformation surrounding witchcraft, the occult and other beliefs have led many to do unthinkable crimes. If you're interested in hearing about cases involving the true darkness of humanity from ritualistic killings, and the demons that live in all of us to exploration of the McCobb and delving deep into the unknown. I invite you to join me over on my show so we can explore the darkness of mankind, one crime at a time. As part of the dark cast network, I'm honored to bring you an eerie campfire tale that is sure to send shivers down the spines of anyone whom you choose to tell it to the summer. This is the tale of the enigmatic dear lady, other times referred to as the Dear woman, a well known and often confrontational spirit with a Native American mythology. Legend has it that the dear lady has different meanings to different people. According to the myth to women, children and men who are respectful of other women and children, the spirit is generally associated with fertility and love. On the other side of the coin, though, to those who have harmed women and children, she is vengeful, and murderous, and is said to learn the harmful perpetrators to their untimely death. So that is where the tale begins. So grab a blanket or two, and stay close to those you love. Because this chilling tale might just make you wish you weren't in the middle of the woods at a secluded campsite with only a fire and some dimly lit flashlights to give you comfort. Legend has it that a man and his friends were out camping one warm summer weekend. It was a boys night out type of get together, and the man was eager to spend some time with his friends, despite his wife being home with their newborn son.
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The man had been unfaithful to his wife for quite some time, as well as being condescending and even downright cruel to her thinking he could ultimately get away with his actions. But little did the man know something was watching him knowing his dark secret and tracking his movements. From within the forest depths. The campfire began to burn out weathering Tamir embers, so the man and his friends decided to call it a night. They each retreated to their tents, ready to sleep and excited for the next day's planned activities in the great outdoors. In the middle of the night, the man awoke his bladder, forcing him up. He crept quietly out of his tent, try not to make much noise to prevent waking his friends. As he hid in the darkness relieving himself, the man heard a distant rustling sound coming from deeper within the woods. The rustling quickly evolved into twigs snapping, and then the sounds of hooves stampeding angrily through the otherwise silent forest. The man was startled and without hesitation ran as fast as he could back to his talent. But he wasn't fast enough. You see, the noises the man heard was the dear lady, tracking him down to punish him for his Mistreatment to his family. The man was knocked to the ground, and with a few heavy stomps, he was crushed to death under the hooves of the dear lady.
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It's a truly terrifying tale told by many to warn of the dangers of harming women and children, especially those we are close to
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remember that although a story may seem unbelievable, and maybe even a mere legend, it's still a reminder of the harsh reality that every single one of our actions will be met with an equal or in this story, an even more crude reaction.
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If you enjoyed this story, then be sure to check out my pod
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Cast rogue darkness wherever you listen to podcasts to get a heavy dose of True Crime with an occultist twist. And with that said, until next time.
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Hello, I'm Ashley from fuck that. And today I'm going to tell you a story about how amidst the heat of summer, darkness descended upon a small town. It is June 1989. in Stamford, New York, a small village nestled in the northern edge of the Catskills. coined as the Queen of the Catskills. Stanford was a quaint small village with just over 1000 residents. But as idyllic as Stanford may have seemed, the summer of 1989 unleashed a darkness that forever stained its history. This seemingly ordinary village where life was meant to be simple, was about to experience a tale of terror, forever etching its mark upon the collective memory of this tight knit community.
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This is the story of the McDowell family murders. Robert Bob McDowell was born on February 15 1930, and was a well respected attorney in skull, Harry County, New York. Bob was known by almost everyone within the community, and his presence commanded respect and admiration. Elizabeth club attire McDowell, was born on December 21 1940, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She married Bob on December 14 1964.
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Elizabeth was very involved in the community, and she belonged to a village improvement club, carefully weaving herself into the fabric of their idyllic existence. Together, Bob and Elizabeth had two sons. He been known as Ben, born on June 22 1966, and his younger brother Daniel, a promising student at Washington and Lee University. Daniel was set to begin his senior year in the fall of 1989. Brimming with hope for a bright future.
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Dr. Charles club guitar Elizabeth's father was born on August 1 1910, in Paris, France. At 78 years old, he had long retired from the medical field, but he still had a very resounding presence within the community. While the McDowell family appeared close knit, often gathering for dinners multiple times each week, and spending time together. At Doctor club guitars hunting cabin, the family had secrets and within these walls of togetherness, these secrets brewed, threatening to tear apart the very foundation they each built their lives upon.
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At the center of the family were Ben's parents His Father Bob, a respected local attorney who held the community in his sway his influence extending far and wide, and his mother Elizabeth, who dance through social circles gracefully in an attempt to conceal the shadows that stained their picture perfect household. However, as hard as Bob and Elizabeth tried to maintain the facade of a perfect family, they were slowly losing control. And in the summer of 1988, Ben's mental health began to decline drastically, and he began to get into trouble. One night in Oneonta, New York, a neighboring town just 25 miles away from Stanford, a family was disrupted late in the evening after Ben had broken into their home. When confronted by the homeowner, Ben insisted that he knew someone who lived there, but that was untrue. Law enforcement was called and Ben was arrested on minor charges related to unlawful entry. Interestingly, nothing was taken from the home during the incident. It was at this point that Ben's father, utilizing his legal connections stepped in to ensure not only a quiet resolution, but to secure minimal consequences for his son.
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The following year, in January of 1989, an ordinary day at the hunting cabin took a sinister turn for the McDowell family yet again. Dr. Clint Bataar, who was suffering from a preexisting shoulder injury was in the midst of splitting logs when his shoulder began to act up. Concern for his father in law's well being Bob offered to take over the task. His son Ben, however, insisted that he needed to do it, then grabbed the axe from his father and began chopping wood, hyper fixated on the task and completely unaware of the passing time. After more than enough time had passed, and after more than enough wood had been chopped. Ben's Father Bob came to get him and to call him back to the family gathering. Then, however, refused his father's requests, determined to continue to chop
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Would. Even though there was more than enough at that point, tensions began to escalate quickly between Ben and his father. And in a moment of unimaginable horror, Ben struck his own father in the face with the axe. Miraculously, his father survived. His voice filled with anguish as Ben pulled the axe up over his shoulder ready to swing again. He screamed and pleaded for Ben to drop the axe. The family heard Bob's please and rushed to his aid. Struggling to make sense of the situation. Bob insisted that it was an accident, reassuring his family that Ben did not do it on purpose, yet again, shielding Ben from the full weight of the consequences. However, Ben was arrested and charged with reckless endangerment. But according to local law enforcement, his father Ben insisted that he did not want them to pursue charges, protecting Ben once again. As time went on, Ben's behavior grew increasingly irrational, raising even more concerns about his mental well being. In a desperate attempt to find him help. Ben was committed to the Binghamton Psychiatric Center in 1989, located about an hour and a half away from the family's home,
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isolated from his family and thrust into the care of psychiatric professionals. Ben's journey into the depths of his own mind had only just begun. While at Binghamton, Ben was diagnosed with schizophrenia, a complex mental disorder, and this diagnosis carried profound implications for Ben's future.
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Schizophrenia is characterized by psychotic symptoms, and often is accompanied by a decline in social and occupational functioning. And this obviously presented formidable challenges for Ben. The road to recovery proved to be arduous, as many individuals who develop this disorder do not experience a complete restoration of their former selves. The impact of schizophrenia reverberates throughout every aspect of one's life, leaving lasting consequences for those affected including Ben. Social isolation becomes a pervasive presence as the symptoms of the disorder can create barriers in forming and maintaining relationships. The life changing consequences of schizophrenia diagnoses permeate every facet of one's existence, and this was Ben's new reality. His struggle to regain stability, manage symptoms and navigate the world with a condition that alters perception would be lonely, and it would be a challenging path. After Ben was discharged his eagerness to escape the confines of his home led him to seek solace at his grandfather's hunting cabin. But unbeknownst to anyone, this decision would have dire consequences, as it meant his medication intake would go on monitored, and he would cease taking his medication. Throughout Ben's life, he and his grandfather shared a close bond making the cabin and appealing retreat. However, what Ben's family didn't know was that this retreat was planned. And just a few days prior, on June 16, Ben purchased a shotgun from a local gun store in order to purchase the shotgun. The required form asked if Ben had previously been treated for mental health issues, Ben answered no.
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On June 21 1989, after a long day of fishing with his grandfather, Dr. Clip guitar, went to take a nap. While he was asleep, Ben approached his grandfather with chilling intent. At close range, he fired the shotgun, killing his grandfather.
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But according to Ben's plan, he still had work to do. As evening approached, and the dinner hour loomed, Ben called his mother, his voice laced with urgency and distress. Ben spoke to his mother informing her that something was wrong with his grandfather, and that he couldn't wake him up. Ben pleaded with his mother, urging her to have his family come to the cabin to help him out with his grandfather, her father, Ben's mother quickly called her husband, relaying the unsettling information. Recognizing the gravity of the situation. Elizabeth's instinct was to involve the authorities. However, Bob had a completely different perspective. As usual, he insisted on keeping this under wraps, concealing their family issues from public scrutiny. Reluctantly, they agreed to make the journey to the cabin together with their younger son Daniel insistent on coming as
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the following day, shortly after 9:15am on June 22, authorities arrived at the hunting cabin after a social worker found a note written by Ben on the front door of his father's law office and Stanford.
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Upon arrival, authorities found Dr. Claire Patar shot in his bed. He was 78. Ben's Father Bob, who was 59 was found at the edge of a pond near the cabin, alongside his son Daniel, who was only 22.
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Ben's mother Elizabeth was found in the pond. According to sheriff's she was trying to flee from her son. Elizabeth was 48. State and local police began searching frantically for Ben and cornered him around 11am near the pond, which was just under a half mile from the cabin. authorities tried to talk Ben into surrendering in a six hour standoff. However, after Ben began shooting at authorities, he was shot and killed. Authorities on scene have since spoken out expressing their wish that there was more that they could do, even though they believed they did all they could.
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One officer recounted that even though he tried to plead with Ben to surrender and express that they didn't want to hurt him, then kept reiterating that he wanted them to please shoot him.
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During the scorching summer of 1989, a chilling tale unfolded, leaving Stanford New York forever changed. The McDowell family tragedy serves as a haunting reminder that the heat can bear witness to the darkest depths of human nature, and the profound impact that untreated mental health disorders can have on everyone around. even amidst the carefree laughter and fun of summer, the heat can become an unwilling accomplice to heinous crimes. Thank you for listening. You can find more episodes and content from fuck that a true crime podcast wherever you listen to podcasts.
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My name is DJ, and I'm the host of the mythical True Crime podcast where we uncover the true crimes of modern legends with our spoken narratives that blend history, crime and the supernatural. Today's story is one of the most infamous unsolved homicide cases in Finnish criminal history. And it went on to inspire the successful film franchise Friday the 13th.
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In the early morning hours on Saturday, June 4 1964, finished teenagers decided to go camping along the shore of Lake Bodum.
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Mail and Andrea were both 15 years of age at the time. accompanying them were their boyfriends Seppo and Niles, both aged 18.
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Now sometime between four to 6am. During the early morning hours that Sunday, June 5, my L. Anya and sipo, are all stabbed and bludgeoned to death by an unknown assailant. Niles, the only survivor of the massacre, had fractured facial bones and stab wounds to his torso. He stated after several interviews that he had had a glimpse of the attacker clothed in all black, with bright red eyes coming from them.
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At about 6am, a group of boys birdwatching some distance away, had reported seeing a tent collapsed and a blonde man walking away from the site. The bodies of the victims were discovered at around 11am by a carpenter named ESCO. Johansson. He alerted the police who arrived at the scene at noon that day.
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The killer had not injured the victims from inside the tent investigators found but instead had been attacking the occupants from the outside with a knife in an unidentified blunt instrument, possibly Iraq through the sides of the tent.
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The murder weapons were also never located. The killer had taken several items which detectives found puzzling, including the keys to the victims motorcycles, which themselves have been left behind. Niles, His shoes were partially hidden approximately 500 meters away from the murder site. The police did not corner off the site, nor record the details of the scene, later seen as a major error, and almost immediately allowed a crowd of police officers and other people to trample around and disturb the evidence. The mistake was further exacerbated by calling in soldiers to assist with the search around the lake for the missing items.
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several of which were never found. me l who was Niles, his girlfriend was found undressed from the waist down and lying on top of the tent, and also had suffered most of the injuries out of all the other victims. She was stabbed multiple times after her death wilts, the other two teenagers were slain with less brutality. Niles was also found lying on top of the 10 as well. There were two notable suspects in the course of the investigations of the lake Botha murders, which are the following Vladimir Gaal strim many local people suspected Pharrell Vladmir Kallstrom, which is a kiosk keeper in the nearby city known to have been hostile towards campus. Police found no hard evidence to link him to the actual murders. They were skeptical of sort of supposed confessions that he had said, who have made them consider him to be just disturbed. He drowned in like Bodom in 1969, most likely due to suicide. People in the town knew Gil strim was violent, put down tents, threw rocks at people who came to his street, and some have even said that it was gal strim. They saw coming back from the murder scene, but were too afraid to call the police about him.
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The police never recovered DNA from Kallstrom. A book released in 2006 brings up the theory in detail. The book also claims that the police almost immediately ignored most much of the evidence that was previously unknown to the public, because the language barriers among other things.
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Now the other person was Hans Assmann. Most public suspicion focused on Hans who lived several kilometers away from the shore of Lake Bodom.
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A series of popular books propagated the theory that Hans committed the Bodum killings and also other murders. It was not taken seriously by police, as Hans had already an alibi for the night the Bodum murders occurred and was said to have had been in Germany during that time of another murder.
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On the morning of June 6 1960. However, he had shown up at the hospital in the nearby city Helsinki with bloody clothes
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after 40 years later, in late March 2004.
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Niles not suspected in the case as far as the public knew, was arrested. And in early 2005, the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation declared the case solved based on new forensic evidence, according to the prosecution's interpretation of the bloodstains. Niles had been drunk and excluded from the tent when he attacked the other boy, getting his jaw broken in a fight, which escalated into him committing the three murders.
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The trial started August 4 2005 With Niles is defense lawyer, arguing that the murders themselves were the work of one or more outsiders, and that Niles had been incapable of killing three people given the extent of his injuries.
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It had been also known that his shoes weren't worn by the killer, and smitten by him. 500 yards away from the tent belong to Niles, who was also found barefoot on top.
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Modern DNA analysis is was significant for this prosecution, as it showed that the three murdered victim's blood was on Niles his shoes. Niles was completely absent.
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The prosecution said it followed from the lack of Niles his blood on the shoes that his injuries had occurred at a different time of the attack from the murdered victims, and that the only explanation was at Niles had committed the murders himself, then faked the theft of the items by hiding them further injuring himself and then went back to the tent where at that time barefoot pretended to be unconscious.
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The prosecution attempt to bolster their case by allegedly saying an identification by the two birdwatchers that Niles was a tall blond man at the scene of the crime and ascertain mission that had also been overheard making an incriminating remark. And also that a decade after the event, he had been boasted to another woman about his guilt.
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Now on October 7 2005, Niles was acquitted of all charges. The Court explained the verdict due to the prosecution's evidence being inconclusive. Also failure to show Niles had a motive appropriate to the crime of such extreme seriousness and certainty about the facts now being impossible to be given about the time that had been elapsed. It ended
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With the state of Finland, paying him 44,900 euros for mental suffering because of the long remain time, but he was refused permission to sue Finnish newspapers for defamation.
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There were several films made about this case, including the most recent 2016 finished slasher film, like Bodom, which is based on the murder case. But more importantly, it inadvertently inspired the Friday the 13th film franchise that started back in 1980. I do hope you enjoyed tonight's show. If you enjoyed this story, I have many more on my podcast mythical True Crime available wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can also follow me on every social media, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram at mythical true crime.
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Hello, it's Alanna one half of the Canadian podcast castles and cryptids and here's my story for the Cruel Summer Special.
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Robert Irving bein married Margaret Arawak Colin in New Zealand in 1969. They had four children starting with son David in 1972. Daughter Eiroa in 1974 daughter Lania in 1976 and son Stephen in 1980.
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They briefly lived in Papua New Guinea where Robin worked as a missionary teacher before they move back to New Zealand. On the 28th of June 1994, the whole family minus David were found shot to death in their home. Robyn Margaret Eiroa, Lani and Steven were discovered in their Dunedin New Zealand home, and David at the time was only 22, the only remaining son.
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At the time of their death, the parents Robin and Margaret were somewhat estranged.
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Robin either stayed in a caravan at the back of the property, or at his place at the school where he worked. The house was also in absolute shambles, with things piled everywhere and not cleaned. Robin had been struggling with depression and his colleagues had begun to notice and remark on his decline. Prior to his death,
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Margaret had her issues also and was not known to be shy about her problems with her marriage was often overheard to have called her husband, a son of Bilal, one of the four Crown Princes of hell. She was also known to say things like I chewed him if I could.
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Their daughter Lania was living in an apartment, but also sometimes stayed with her father at his apartment at the school.
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She'd also been summoned back to the Dunedin home for the family meeting. She came home on the 19th of June and they were supposed to have the meeting the very next day.
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But by the next morning, when David returned home from his part time paper route, he found his entire family dead.
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He then called the emergency line 111 at 7:09am. He told the dispatcher they're all dead, they're all dead.
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A rifle was found lying next to Robin's body. Police also found a haunting message on the Family Computer that read sorry, you were the only one who deserved to stay.
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There appeared to be a gap between David arriving home and calling the emergency line. And also they saw he had some injuries on his arms. So four days later, David is charged with the deaths of his family members.
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But just two short weeks later, the house was burned down by remaining family members request before the trial had even started.
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Unfortunately, the police investigators failed to retain the carpet that had the bloody footprints on it, the ones that would be used to help convict David Bain.
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As the prosecution and defense teams prepared for the trial, a possible motive for the murders came to light a possible motive for the father robbing. However,
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he had apparently been having an incestuous relationship with his daughter Atlanta yet.
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She had confided in a male friend who told police she was planning to confront her father and expose him. This was just before the family meeting was called.
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The witness that was supposed to be called to testify to the relationship between Robin and his daughter simply never showed up. However, despite a lack of clear motive, and based on the circumstantial evidence and bloody footprints, David was found guilty. In fact, the only real motive ever suggested that I found was a minor and long running argument with his father about the use of a chainsaw
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